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Commercial Wallcoverings or Contract Wallpapers have proven to be the wall treatment of choice for hotels, extended stay residences, conference centers and just about any high traffic environment where durability and ease of repair is key. With this DVD Video Course-- How to Install Commercial Wallcoverings --Jim Parodi, allows the handy person who may have installed some wallpaper on a small scale to expand their capabilities and learn to install these 54" wide fabric backed and nonwoven backed vinyls. For small-to-large scale painting companies this is the perfect course to get your best workers up to speed on many of the hanging techniques that would allow them to expand your service offerings and do the job using "in house" labor. |
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Hold your mouse over disc chapters below for expanded course descriptions. If your brower is set to block pop-ups you may need to "allow blocked content." |
Keywords: How to Hang Commercial Vinyl Wallpaper, Learn how to install 54" Wide Contract wallcovering, Video course for installing commercial wall treatments, Hotel Wallpapering, Hospital wallpapering, Medical Building Wallcovering, Conference Center Wallcovering Installation, Learn a Trade, Learn a Vocation, Vocational Training, Wallpapering for extended stay residences, School of Paperhanging in the United States, School of Wallpapering in the USA and Canada, Apprenez à installer papier peint de type commercial, Where to learn Wallpapering for Motels, Wallpapering for Doctors Offices, Wallpapering for Dentists Offices, Waiting Rooms, Where to learn Office Building Wallcovering, Aprenda a instalar el papel tapiz tipo comercial, Научиться устанавливать коммерческие тип обоев, Dowiedz się, jak zainstalować tapety typu do celów komercyjnych,学习安装商用型壁纸, Lernen Sie das Installierung der gewebtes kommerziellen Tapeten, Ofisler, oteller Ticari Vinil Duvar Kaplamaları Nasıl Kurulur Video kursu, Bagaimana untuk memasang kertas dinding vinil komersial kursus arahan video, Curso de vídeo sobre como instalar o papel de parede do vinil comercial para escritórios, hotéis. כיצד להתקין טפט ויניל מסחרי קורס הדרכת וידאו, 如何安裝商業乙烯基牆紙視頻教學課程, วิธีการติดตั้งวอลล์เปเปอร์ไวนิลเชิงพาณิชย์หลักสูตรการเรียนการสอนวิดีโอ, Làm thế nào để cài đặt hình nền vinyl thương mại một khóa học video hướng dẫn |
Also available for those who want to learn to install natural and dyed grasscloth: How to Hang Grasscloth by Jim Parodi |